Archive for November 29th, 2007


Sodds & Fiends

Maybe there’s some unwritten joke with the lake rat but I take serious his offer to jump into the lake at 3:30 CST. 50 viewers or not. I think he has other plans though. Today I offered an option for him: jump into a vat! Not just a vat but a vat filled with tramps! Who could beat that huh? He insists that he will jump in though because “why wouldnt i jump in, its in my backyard” quote unquote. I counteracted with the penetrating question, “Because your backyard is a Hollywood prop, maybe?” I think this is the real story behind him. You may FALL for it but I’m going to take the STAND the he ain’t go JUMP, homie.

While you were off living your productive life I was in the car with The High Strung driving to a gig. Not physically, dummies! Metaphysically! Us cyber people never actually do anything we just sit and look into the box like a kaleidoscope and just pretend that we are doing things. It’s groovier that way man with all the cool colors. I guess they are from Detroit and play some kind of music. Here listen:

Watching the Santa Channel gives me a sort of sentimental feeling. Especially when he puts out a stamped message saying: “Santa is busy at work and cannot respond in chat. To see what Santa is working on go to If you would like for Santa to say hello to your child make your request and he will respond by voice ASAP” Doesn’t that just warm your heart? As if you had on 50 second hand t-shirts! I know it does me.


Art du Jour

Watch live video from postmodernartist on
With all the boob-talk, gossip and general “give me attention” channels that show up at JTV the more serious channels often take a back seat. One exception is art. Artists seem to be springing up on the scene weekly now. Although they go through a boom and bust cycle of viewers they tend to retain a second tier level of committment from them nonetheless.

Natasha Wescoat, host of Postmodern Artist TV is one such newcomer that sometimes pops into the top bar strata. She paints in a Lemony Snickets sort of cartoonish way (too cartoonish for my tastes! but good nonetheless) with a warm gothic (I mean the hair and dark makeup kind of way and not the time period/style in history) touch a la The Cure. This isn’t an insult, just a feel I get when I see her paintings. I think her best works are the tree and landscape paintings. Although they, too, have an anime-like feel to them, it’s more dream-like than cartoonish and thus passable to me. The characters are a little less appealing but you might not think so. Check her out!

Anti Normal Comics is the most popular of the arts show. It stars a hairy arm attached to a left hand wielding a Sharpie. His art is comic drawing. Even though I don’t consider it a high art it is definitely a deep talent and this guy can pump out quick, quirky and skilled drawings in a matter of minutes. Which I suppose is the knack of most good artists. The refining part is what separates the good from the great and elite ones. As does subject matter, exposure and opportunity (meaning who you know!). I’m no fan of comics but this guy rivals any of the underground comics I’ve seen.

Pop Arf Tv is the biggest enigma to me. Here’s a dude who can paint rather startling and almost photographic images but they are primarily of dogs! I’m sure it’s because people love dogs and want to buy dog art but man, WHY DOGS?!?!?! They are fun and brilliant paintings but I always think that if you have the talent why not just go insane and become another Picasso. There’s women, money and free vacations to Europe for you if you become an eccentric. So let’s get to it mister and blow your life dream for a walk on the dark side!

November 2007