
Sodds & Fiends

It’s hard not to sound gossipy when you start relating personal stories but when the personal stories are carried live over the air it becomes news. So… Juggalo Babe and her ex (a supposed drug dealer; which is why the police can’t be involved) –who apparently pays the phone and got an overcharge bill sent to his address accompanied by a bunch of “other guy’s numbers”– had a falling out via cellphone which she broadcast over JTV. Sobbing and hyperventilating at times, she begged for him not to shut her phone off until after her surgery and he promised to beat her ass at the next Insane Clown Posse concert. Alex, her sometimes romantic interest, who she can’t sleep with because she has to have surgery, was chastised by her for not changing his voice mail to match her story. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic. While there’s no archive of this yet there will be. Check back later.

Watch live video from house_of_buzz on Justin.tv
I finally caught the The House of Buzz in buzzing mode! Vrooooom. Ziiiiiig. Zaaaaaaooooom. Then there he was all goatee and peppery salted hair showing us the yard and all the acoutrements of tiki wood carving. Yep, it’s all there! So grab a hammer and chisel and put your carved tub onto the grass skirt work table and carve your little heart out. You’re almost home Pinnochio, just another 6,000 strokes!

Your Girl Erica, My Girl Erica, Their Girl Erica and apparently Officer Rob’s Girl Erica as well. I’m not sure of his story but I’m assuming that he has an internet presence as well. Don’t we all. When I entered the room she was playing some music and talking over it. I hate that and displayed that sentiment via caveman words, “4:22 jtvnews: Ugggh…music.”. Quite the sophisticate am I! So she cooperated with me, the rubber robot, and turned it down and bowed to my whimsy. She also went on tell me about herself but I wasn’t interested in listening. So here are my fabricated facts about her:

– She homemakes all of her Avon products with Kool-Aid, glue and glitter.
– Her pet skunk is named Vanna White
– She invented the Scripto candle lighter and burns herself every hour to remember all the bad times before she had her royalty millions.

There was more but I had to get back to my orgy. I’ll revisit her for a follow-up sometime in the near future.

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November 2007