Archive for February 14th, 2008


Survey, Oy Vey

Go ahead click on this picture and enlarge it. See the arrow to the right of the page? It’s a JTV survey. Click it too.

That’s right. Go on. Do what it says. Take a minute. Write in “Boobs, because they’re fun.” Of course this is only practice for when you get into the real life situation of CHAT. I want you to be prepared. I care deeply about you guys, y’know?

Yeah so…now click that fucker and show Justin what you really want.


Sodds & Fiends

Hello Germany! Meet the black-eyed, naked-shouldered, 40 year old woman of the occult. Her black eyes alone scare the bejebus out of me. Just look into them and you will having the feeling of falling into a deeply webbed sarcophagus. Minus the solar boat. Minus the jewels. Minus your soul that has been stolen by those vacant eyes! But take comfort in the fact that she speaks only a little English and won’t be begging for the big holla-dolluh. That’s a relief. Hopefully she will also grant my wishes and put a spell on my pecker and give it the motivation of a new direction.

doesn’t broadcast often — in fact I have never seen her channel live — but when she does she brings out the troops. The dog troupe that is. It seems that she collects dogs during the night and takes them back to her compound where they are forced to breed and then the older ones are turned into dinner for man and dog. It’s a terrible life but things such as this just break my heart. Shame on you MAC! Not for killing the dogs but because you don’t use any of the meat for sausage to go into your Mac ‘N’ Cheese. Pshaw y’all!

See the starry starry sky? Well kids, that’s what happens to your mind on the pots and weeds. That and you play guitar all day long and listen to Pink Floyd over and over while earnestly singing the lyrics to Comfortably Numb like it is your own little penned jewel. Turn down the lights, fire up the incense, grab your axe and let the smoke entangle your mind brother. Awww hell.


BREAKING NEWS: JTV News Endorses Obama

Despite the tuggings of the heart strings for Ron Paul I am throwing my support behind the brutha. Why? Because he’s a brutha and what could divide the country more than a black man ruling the roost? Maybe it’ll reignite a civil war. Now that’s the revolution Ron Paul is calling for. Neither Congress or the President will solve the banking, tax and Constitutional issues so we might as well have a bloody revolt. Didn’t the slave-master bastard Jefferson call for a revolution every 20 years? Bah. Who cares about old rich white guys who made the country and came from a lizard aristocracy? Not me.


BREAKING NEWS: The Naked Cowboy: A Soon-to-be Hundred Millionaire?

There is a terribly interviewed clip of the Naked Cowboy on CNN, which I found via Yahoo, that says he is suing Mars, the candy enterprise, for 100 million dollars for stealing his act. The video doesn’t show the supposed infraction of NC’s 10 years of dedication to his menial work but does have a bumbling reporterette and a likewise stumbling performer basically saying nothing.



She (it’s actually her friend pictured) will be your Valentine. But for God’s sake wear a condom because this one is a cryer, a lush and seemingly loose. All bonuses if you just want a hump but a no-no in the long-term.

February 2008